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Managing Director, Alexander Schwörer, greeted the participants and informed them about the current situation in the global construction markets. This was followed by a number of interesting presentations on research and development, digital services and web-based online portals. The latest innovations from formwork and scaffolding technology were presented in detailed and practical demonstrations.
Practice-oriented transfer of knowledge
The project-specific PERI execution solution and its advantages were presented on the basis of a current concrete refurbishment project. This meant that the complex challenges that modern system solutions have to deal with could therefore be explained in a practical manner. Current approaches and concepts in the area of further development of materials used in formwork and scaffolding construction were highlighted in a presentation on surface technology and corrosion protection. In addition, PERI specialists informed participants about the very latest in digital services as well as the possibilities and implications of web-based online portals. With the myPERI online portal, customers have access to important project data at their PERI jobsites. They can additionally retrieve comprehensive product and item information of project and product documents. Complete with round-the-clock availability myPERI simplifies everyday project work. A comprehensive overview of computer-aided tools for online configuration and calculation whilst taking into consideration the intended use of formwork and scaffolding systems was also provided.
Innovations in formwork and scaffolding technology
The second day was given over entirely to the practical side of things – for the professors, it meant having an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest system solutions in greater detail. From the facade scaffolding through to cutting edge climbing technology, the focus was on bauma innovations in particular.
Participants were suitably convinced by the low weight of the new PERI UP Easy* Frame Scaffolding, combined with significant safety and assembly advantages. At the same time, the Rosette nodes integrated into the frame is the visible sign of a high level of flexibility: compatibility with modular scaffolding as well as simple, fast installation of scaffold staircase units and brackets.
From the ground to higher working areas: the ACS Core 400 Self-Climbing Formwork for multi-storey building cores presented at bauma 2016 features a new climbing hydraulic system with higher speeds and synchronous lifting. The professors could experience the climbing procedure live during their visit to Weissenhorn.
In Germany, an increase in the need for new buildings and bridge refurbishment is confidently expected in the coming years. For this reason, the optimized execution solution for the construction and renovation of cantilevered parapets in particular met with great interest. Because a closed system consisting of formwork brackets and anchoring not only increases planning and work safety but it also reduces costs.
The material made of technopolymers, easy and simple handling of the formwork along with the universal usability for walls, foundations and columns through to slabs and beams – these are the outstanding characteristics which the professors, together with the product managers, were able to experience and receive answers to their questions on the new DUO Lightweight Formwork system. Another interesting aspect is the fact that the new material not only reduces the weight and thus eliminates the need for crane capacity, it also significantly reduces noise generation during formwork assembly is also significantly reduced – an issue that should not be ignored for some construction projects both at home and abroad.
* Please note that German General Building Inspectorate Approval for PERI UP Easy has been applied for but has not yet been issued. Until such approval has been granted, the use of PERI UP Easy is still possible if prior approval for each individual case has been obtained from the building authorities. No approval is required in Austria and Switzerland.